Monday, November 28, 2011


 (our willy wag tail nest with dove eggs residing in it, courtesy of our 6 year old...
no birds were harmed in the filming of this, the mother dove had abandoned her eggs - maybe feeling overwhelmed with her duties!)

Are you feeling a little fragile due to the impending season?
I think we are all a little fragile in this household....
some are physically training hard...
others are over the routine of daily school...
some of us have a million deadlines that are looming fast in a short space of time....

we are all ticking off events and appointments as they roll around.....
feeling fragile and tired comes with the excitement and demands of the year coming to an end...

every situations requires extra from us....time, emotion, money , patience and even energy.

As this month closes to an end I am setting a goal for December...

Blog 25 days of being Thankful.
I did this back in 2009. I did this as a way of staying focus on the good , happy and pleasing moments

it's a way of acknowledging all that we take for granted, all that we sometimes overlook as we let busyness take over.

Maybe you want to join me....let me know I would love to read along with your thankful list too.

Here's to less focus on fragile and more on the blessings we have all around us.

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