Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Happy Place

If you were looking for me today ...this is where I was all most of the day......

I did come out every now and then to see what the others were up too but I was happy here in my own space ....processing a busy , hectic week, preparing myself for an even busier week ahead....

I got a lot done and it was good for my soul and mind......

It seemed that every one else was finding their happy space too......
Each different .....

Well maybe some weren't that happy all the time.....
(chores that had to be finished..)

Even the chooks were super happy in their own space doing their own thing....

As a result of the hubbies happy place we were treated to a yummy BBQ lunch out in the fresh air where, for a few minutes our happy spaces collided....

Hope you found some Happy Space today ?

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing quite like retreating to your happy place for a while...and even better when the rest of the family can enjoy doing their own thing :)



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